The application deadline for international students for the Winter Semester 2023 is the 15th of September 2023.
We offer our students a unique opportunity to enjoy a first-class academic master education, full-time or part-time while pursuing a professional career ​
Our focus on Technology Innovations, Industry Relevant Know-How and International Management Expertise, paired with our specific course design catering for working professionals, makes our master program unique and highly attractive for anyone pursuing an international career in any technology driven industry.
2 years
Program Duration, what means 4 full-time or part-time semesters

Alumni, who nailed the market and turned on industries leaders

9,900 €
Tuition fees, including master thesis, payable in 4 installments of 2,475 €

Pampati Santhosh Kumar
Within my previous experience in my area, I felt that I can do better. I like innovation and implementation. since I want to start my own company, I am confident that this program will help me to achieve my goals.

After my bachelor's degree, it is the perfect master's course for me because I can work full time during the week. The requirements and the scope were easy to find on the website and I could register myself online.

That’s a big point to choose this program. The registration was really simple and the staff very helpful. I would like to flourish in the automotive field with the help of Industrial Engineering.
When can I start the Master program?You can start the program in either the summer or winter term. A deadline for Winter Semester 2021\2022 for international students this year is till 15th of September. The terms run alongside our attendance courses. The winter term runs from mid-September to mid-February, the summer term from mid-March to the end of July. You can find all of them on the main page
What are the admission requirements?​​Besides being highly motivated and open for new challenges, our MIE program requires interested candidates to provide: ​ BACHELOR of ENGINEERING DEGREE (B.ENG.) - or comparable academic degree in a technical /natural science discipline with at least 180 credit points (in accordance with the ECTS - European Credit Transfer System Initial university entrance qualification (university entrance diploma, high school diploma etc.) AVERAGE GRADE OF AT LEAST 2,8 (GOOD) (2,8 according to German grading system) ​ PROVEN ENGLISH PROFICIENCY e.g. TOEFL-Test (Internet-based) > 78 Points or IELTS > 5, LCCI (Level 2) or FCE or at least 1 term documented professional work in English-speaking country or full time study in English-speaking university program. ​ PROFESSIONAL WORKING EXPERIENCE - One year professional work experience. - Part-time work (min. 50% of full time equivalent) or voluntary work can also be accepted Deadline for recognized work time is always the last day of the course registration period ​
How much are the costs and other contributions?Tuition fees stands at 9,900 € including master thesis, payable in 4 installments of 2,475 €. Therefore you will receive an invoice from our contracting Partner F&E FH Kiel GmbH. The respective university registration fees (approx. 100 € per semester) are additional. Monthly expenses (incl. accommodation) is approx. 700 € per month.
Should I know German for study?No, the study runs 100% in English. However, if you see your future in Germany, highly recommended mastering the language. You can do it within your study at the Centre for Languages and Intercultural Studies (ZSIK) by Kiel University of Applied Sciences.
How can I apply?The application process for the Master of Industrial Engineering (MIE) program, is managed via Uni Assist. Search for "industrial engineering" and choose a course from Fachhochschule Kiel. Tap "Select" and pay fee of 75€. This fee is mandatory for all foreign students who wish to pursue higher education in Germany. An English-speaking assistant will help prepare all the documents required for admission.
Can I stay in Germany after studing?Yes! When you finish your study, you can apply for a half-year "searching-for-a-job" visa. Of course, you can find a job before, sign a contract with one of the world-leading German companies in the Industrie 4.0 field, and makes your dream come true.