As a result of increasing internationalization, digitization and more complex business processes, the managerial demands ask for a variety of target-oriented strategic methods and procedures to which our master students will be introduced.
The master’s degree course in Industrial Engineering provides you with a huge range of interdisciplinary knowledge critical to work as a manager in a multinational technology oriented enterprise.
The MIE module architecture has been designed to reflect all critical stages in the industrial value-chain process that require managers expertise to ensure overall successful industrial performance.
Production Organisation
In this module, students will learn how to plan an entire factory production process for an industrial serial production. This involves:
Factory/Plant design strategies
Production program planning
Virtual reality in production planning
Material Flow Simulation
In this module students will learn how material flows in an industrial production processes can be planned and optimized using 3-D real-time simulation software. This includes:
Simulating production processes
Material process flow optimization
Evaluating simulation algorithms
Process Based Business Development
An introduction to the concept of process based business development as an advanced management concept to overcome the limitations of functional structures based management. Thus offering new insights and strategies to meet today´s market requirements including:
Business Process Development
Process Engineering
Process Maintenance and Measurement
Information Management
This module is introducing you to central concepts and terminology essential to understand and be effective in managing today´s industrial processes. It includes:
Planning IS-System Development
PPS and ERP-Systems
Integration of Information Systems
Corporate Finance
Knowing how to finance industrial projects and processes and learning how to measure and calculate financial performance are key questions addressed in this module which includes:
Investment and financing strategies
Financial analysis and risk containment
Mergers & Acquisitions
E-Business Management
Being an effective manager in global electronically networked industries requires a thorough understanding of the opportunities and pitfalls in these new and rapidly emerging digital environments. Learning how to apply the relevant frameworks, tools and methods critical in operating a successful E-Business are at the heart of this module focusing on aspects like:
Strategic E-Marketing & Management
Internet of Things & Industry 4.0
IP and Data Protection in digital environments
Materials Handling
Understanding how materials in an industrial context need to be handled over the entire life cycle is the focus of this module. This includes aspects like:
Planning of industry specific movement and storage solutions
Materials control and protection
Disposal strategies of materials, goods and packaging
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
How do take an idea and translate it into a viable business or take a technology innovation and turn it into a commercially attractive product are core questions addressed in this module:
From technology to Product Innovations
How to develop and manage technology innovations?
What does it take to build a Technology Startup?
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Is all about ensuring top quality across the entire organizational value chain and to avoid any form of unnecessary waste of resources. This module includes for example:
Industrial organisation of TQM
Methods and Tools of TQM (e.g. SPC)
Total Quality of Services
Managing global logistic processes requires a thorough understanding of various business, legal as well as technical aspects in order to achieve the desired outcome. This module therefore addresses aspects including:
Principles of logistical planning
Optimizing logistical processes
Creating synergies in aligning real-time shipping and information flow
Increasing organizational complexity, market changes and environmental uncertainty require effective management information systems to ensure companies will meet their operational and strategic objectives. Controlling offers managers such instruments and frameworks including:
Project Controlling
Early Detection & Scenario Systems
Controlling based Cost Management
International Distribution
What are todays global requirements and strategies to optimize sales of goods and services to customers worldwide utilizing the variety of different online and offline channels? This module focuses on:
Marketing Channel Systems
Development of Marketing Channels
International Negotiation and Contracting
This module offers an introduction into how to design and manage business negotiations, what are the key building blocks in preparing international business contracts and how to avoid legal pitfalls. Thus focussing on:
Structure and process of business negotiations
International negotiation strategies
Business contracts architecture
Here you will find a sample collection with a short introduction of some of the key modules offered as part of the Industrial Engineering Master program:
This course is designed to provide advanced knowledge and practical skills in using SAP HANA with a focus on Salesforce and SupplyOn applications. Through a series of case studies, the course explores the robust capabilities of SAP HANA, emphasizing its impact on modern industrial operations.
Students will learn to leverage SAP HANA's powerful data processing and real-time analytics to drive efficiency and innovation in sales and supply chain management.
ERP Systems for process integration and using SAP ™
Advanced Data Processing and Analytics
Real-World Application through Case Studies